The best sports movies are full of messages, obvious or hidden. At their most basic, they show that success is not just about winning. The definition of success is different for each athlete or team. For some, the goal is to get more wins than the previous season, while for others, competing in the play-offs or finals is an indicator of success. And of course, as in some of the best sports movies, sometimes the championship is the only goal.
Among the best sports movies of the 2020s, it is possible to come across movies about many different individual or team sports, from motorsports to basketball, from American football to boxing. The best sports movies of the 2020s, some of them based on true stories, offer stories about many different types of success. While some of these sports movies focus on a single athlete, others tell the story of coaches, managers, or the entire team.
Just as in the best sports movies of all time, we have watched and are watching some of Hollywood's most famous actors and actresses in sports movies shot in the 2020s. And let's not even forget that the actor in the lead role of one of the best sports movies we have watched in the 2020s won an Oscar for his performance in this movie. The best sports movies can emerge as a result of the combination of an inspiring story with successful acting performances in the hands of a director who can see deep.
It's time to pick the best sports movies of the 2020s. Firstly, I listed all the sports movies made since 2020, one by one. Then, I selected the most prominent among these productions and brought together the best sports movies of the 2020s for you. Of course, we are still in the 2020s, and this list will change over time. I believe that many more successful sports movies will come and take their place on the list in the coming years. We're living in the times we're in right now; let's enjoy the best sports movies of the 2020s so far.